ACUVUE® OASYS is the #1 selling contact lens in the world*


Power ranges

–0.50D to –6.00D (0.25D increments)
–6.50D to –12.00D (0.50D increments)
+0.50D to +6.00D (0.25D increments)
+6.50D to +8.00D (0.50D increments)
8.4 mm base curve/14.0 mm diameter



Wear and recommended replacement schedule

Daily wear – replace every two weeks
Extended wear up to six nights/seven days – replace every seven days

Lens Details
Lens material senofilcon A
Technology HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology

Dk/t (boundary and edge corrected)# 147 x 10-9
Water content 38%

UV-blocker:† Class 1
Center thickness at-3.00D (mm) 0.070

Inside-out mark Yes (123)
Visibility tint Yes

Inside-out Mark Yes (1-2-3)
Package size

6 lenses


*All ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses have Class 1 or Class 2 UV-blocking to help provide protection against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area.

Packing solution contains boric acid and disodium tetraborate (sodium borate) to control the pH of the solution.
  1. Sulley A, Madec-Hily A, Packe R. Large scale survey of senofilcon A contact lens wearers. Optom Vis Sci 2012 E-abstract 125443.
  2. Oxygen transmissibility at centre of a - 3.00D lens using boundary-corrected, edge-corrected Dk values. Units: (cm/sec)(ml O2/ml x mm Hg) at 35° C. Dk determined via polarographic method.
  3. Oxygen flux - % available to central cornea (open eye) and compared to 100% with no lens.
  4. Corneal oxygen consumption calculated using Brennan method which represents an index of corneal oxygen metabolism during open eye and thus cellular energy production. Brennan NA. OVS. 2005 Jun; 82(6):467-72. Brennan N, Morgan P. CLAE 2009, 32 (5): 210-254.

Start your new reusable contact lens patients in ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology Contact Lenses:

  • ACUVUE® OASYS Brand Family of 2-weeklyreusable contact lenses has never been beaten incomfort in 25 clinical studies.**$
  • ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUSTechnology blocks 96% of UVA rays and greaterthan 99% of UVB rays1†
  • HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology embeds awetting agent (PVP) that mimics mucins to helpmaintain a stable tear film.2

Innovative Technology

ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS has an embedded wetting agent throughout the lens matrix. This wetting agent mimics the mucin layer of the tear film and helps keep the tear film stable.2 In this way, ACUVUE® OASYS may help to reduce dryness symptoms caused by staring at digital screens. Wearers using a computer report that ACUVUE® OASYS keeps their eyes feeling moist all day.11

Never beaten in comfort**

In 25 clinical studies posted on ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology has never been beaten in comfort.** When surveyed, 7 out of 10 lens wearers said it is the most comfortable brand of contacts they have ever worn, even when using a digital device.12

ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology provides proven comfort and a legacy of innovation.


Key Message for Patients

  • ACUVUE® OASYS Brand Family of 2-weeklyreusable contact lenses has never been beaten incomfort in 25 clinical studies.**$
  • ACUVUE® OASYS is the #1 selling contact lens inthe world*
  • ACUVUE® OASYS with HYDRACLEAR® PLUSTechnology blocks 96% of UVA rays and greaterthan 99% of UVB rays1†

Packing solution contains boric acid and disodium tetraborate (sodium borate) to control the pH of the solution.
*Euromonitor International, Eyewear 2022 Edition, Valuesales at RSP, all retails channels, 2020 data.
** is a website maintained by the NIH. The 25 clinical studies evaluated subjective comfort as a primary or secondary endpoint for ACUVUE OASYS Brand 2-weekly family contact lenses. Review conducted as of April 29, 2022.
$ is a website maintained by the NIH. The 25 clinical studies evaluated subjective comfort as a primary or secondary endpoint for ACUVUE OASYS Brand family and ACUVUE OASYS with Transitions contact lenses. Review conducted as of April 29, 2022.
†All ACUVUE® contact lenses have Class 1 or Class 2 UV-blocking to help provide protection against transmission ofharmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. UV transmission measured with -1.00 lens.
# Oxygen transmissibility at centre of a -3.00D lens using boundary-corrected, edge-corrected Dk values. Units: (cm/sec) (ml O2/ml x mm Hg) at 35°C. Dk determined via polarographic method

1.JJV Data on File 2018. Material Properties: ACUVUEOASYS Brand Contact Lenses with HYDRACLEAR PLUS, ACUVUE OASYS with Transitions Light Intelligent Technology, and other reusable contact lenses.
2.JJV Data on File 2018. Similarities between Mucin andPoly(N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone) (PVP).
3.JJV Data on File 2016. 30-day dispensing evaluation,monthly replacement DW study, n = 533 soft silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers in the U.S.
4.JJV Data on File 2017. 30-day dispensing evaluation,monthly replacement DW study, n = 226 soft toric CL wearers in the U.S.
5.Berntsen DA, Hickson-Curran SB, Jones LW, et al.Subjective Comfort and Physiology with Modern Contact Lens Care Products. Optom Vis Sci. 2016,93(8):809-819.
6.JJV data on file 2017. Multi-center 1-month dispensingdaily wear study with senofilcon C toric CLs with RevitaLens OcuTec MPDS, worn for 30 days. N=130 habitual soft toric CL wearers in US.
7.JJV Data on File 2016. Multi-center 1-month dispensingdaily wear study with comfilcon A toric using RevitaLens OcuTec MPDS. n=95 habitual soft toric contact lens wearers in the US.
8.JJV Data on File 2018. ACUVUE RevitaLensMultipurpose Disinfecting Solution Packaging Claims.

9.JJV Data on File 2018. Definition of ACUVUE OASYSwith Transitions Light Intelligent Technology.
10.JJV Data on File 2018. Material Properties: ACUVUEOASYS Brand Contact Lenses with HYDRACLEAR PLUS, ACUVUE OASYS with Transitions Light Intelligent Technology, and Other Reusable Contact Lenses.
11.JJV Data on File 2017. A 4-week randomized, masked,controlled, cross-over, dispensing daily wear study with ACUVUE® OASYS vs. ULTRA; n=127 subjects who spent greater than or equal to 8 hours per day using digital devices during the study period
12.Pall B, Wales M, Roussopoulou E. Eye Care Professional and Contact Lens Wearer Perspectives on Digital Screen Devices. Optom. Vis. Sci. 2014;91:e-abstract 145197.
13.JJV Data on File 2017. RevitaLens OcuTec MPDScompatibility and clinical performance with ACUVUE Brand Contact Lenses (2 week daily wear study with senofilcon A, etafilcon A & galyfilcon A, n=203 habitual soft contact lens wearers; 1-month daily wear study with senofilcon C toric contact lenses, N=130 habitual soft toric contact lens wearers, in-vitro laboratory evaluations with ACUVUE Brand reusable contact lens materials).
14.JJV Data on File 2012-2015. Laboratory evaluations with RevitaLens OcuTec MPDS and reusable contact lens materials (senofil